12 December, Daily Dispatch: Township rowers win prize
7 December, Talk of the Town: "Rower's thriller on a river"
7 December, Talk of the Town: "Rowers get last chance"
22 November, Kowie Bugle: "Nemato Rowers"
16 November, Talk of the Town
9 November, Talk of the Town: "Nemato rowers are up to speed"
27 September, Kowie Bugle: "Nemato Rowing Club Audit"
9 November, Talk of the Town: "Role model honour for star of Nemato"
9 November, Talk of the Town: "Teen powers local rowing"
21 June, Kowie Bugle: "Nemato Rowing Club need volunteer coaches"
13 April, Talk of the Town
29 March, Kowie Bugle: "Nemato Rowing"
29 March, Kowie Bugle: "Nemato Rowing Club at South African Junior Championships"
16 February, Talk of the Town: "Big plans for Nemato Rowing"
16 February, Talk of the Town: "Big plans for Nemato Rowing"
26 January, Talk of the Town: "US student to help PA rowing"